
Why it is time to discuss migration in and out of school? 

  •  Learn to recognize/seek reliable information: It is crucial to present students with accurate data and figures on migration. so that they can begin to understand the complexity of a phenomenon that directly concerns them. By understanding the realities of migration, students can develop informed perspectives and counteract misinformation.  
  • Historical and transformative role: Migrations have been a constant factor in human history,  since the emergence of Homo Sapiens. The movements of people contributed to the evolution of cultures and countries, both in ancient and modern times. Educating students about this historical perspective helps them appreciate the transformative power of migration and its role in building the world as we know it. 
  • Counteracting the public debate’s distortions: Recent media portrayals have often fuelled suspicion, hostility, and conflict regarding migration, framing it as an “invasion.” Schools can play a critical role in stimulating critical thinking, helping students recognise these distortions,  
  • Promoting multicultural understanding: As societies become increasingly multicultural, understanding migration is more important than ever. Schools can help students explore the push and pull factors of migration. This understanding fosters respect for diversity and strengthens social cohesion. 
  • Recognising the benefits and challenges: While migration can present challenges, such as brain drain in countries of origin and feelings of insecurity in host countries, it also brings numerous benefits. Regular migrants contribute new ideas, economic growth, and labour to host countries, and their remittances support families and economies in their home countries. Schools can help students appreciate these complexities and the multifaceted impacts of migration. 


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The project is co-funded by DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Programme of the European Commission.
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.