It’s Global
Education Time

From school curricula to youth actions for sustainable development

Latest from GET

A group of people around a table discuss in a meeting

The Andalusian working group on Global Citizenship Education met in Sevilla

In 2024, the first meeting of the working group on Education for Sustainable Development was held in Seville. Organized by the Andalusian partner CAONGD, The meeting was attended by representatives of organizations such as EDUCO, Justicia Alimentaria, and Proclade Bética, and researcher Luisa López.

“It’s Global Education Time – Time for Social Change” conference in Warsaw 

On December 10, a conference marking 20 years of global education development in Poland took place. This unique event brought together a diverse group of practitioners of both formal and non-formal education, representatives of government institutions, and allies committed to advancing this educational perspective.

Why is it important to discuss gender inequalities at school? 

On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we share a reflection on the importance of discussing gender inequalities in our schools to prevent and contrast violent phenomena against women and girls.

In Italy, the first GET trainings on Sport for Development and Global Citizenship 

At the end of October 2024, in the Italian city of Locri, the methodology of Sport for Development became the focus of two intense training days for sports educators organized within the GET project.

GET Project: It’s Global Education Time!

Eight European countries, eleven partners, more than three years of activities (2024-2027), and thousands of educators and students to engage: these are the first figures of the GET project.

Global issues

Climate change


International inequalities


Gender inequalities





GET is a continuation of our previous Get Up and Goals! project. Visit the GUAG website and discover our past achievements.
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The project is co-funded by DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Programme of the European Commission.
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.