This UNESCO report explores the urgency of rethinking education in the context of current and future global challenges, proposing a new social contract that promotes equity, sustainability and inclusiveness.
Here you can find a selection of documents intended to facilitate the introduction of Global Citizenship Education in schools and their curricula.
This UNESCO report explores the urgency of rethinking education in the context of current and future global challenges, proposing a new social contract that promotes equity, sustainability and inclusiveness.
This Eurydice report examines how European education systems are equipping students with sustainability competencies and supporting teachers in this mission. It offers insights into policies and initiatives aimed at integrating sustainability into education.
In the latest years this usual intergenerational divergence has surely deepened more and more and teachers – who are always in touch with young people and work with them – should have the reasons well clarified.
Curriculum design is a fundamental aspect of the teacher’s professionalism. How to design a relevant curriculum?
This publication is the first pedagogical guidance from UNESCO on global citizenship education. It is the result of an extensive research and consultation process with experts from different parts of the world.
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.
Although students generally enjoy participating in project activities, what do they retain of such an episodic experience?
The Netherlands is an internationally oriented country, and that is mirrored in our education system. Almost every school pays at least some attention to global citizenship, but they rarely do so in a systematic fashion. Global citizenship is usually introduced through specific projects and the link to the rest of the curriculum is not consistently emphasised. How can schools reinforce […]
The UNESCO Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) in Action: Global Citizens for Sustainable Development student guide aims to introduce secondary school students to Global Citizenship Education (GCED) and Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and provide them with ideas and activities to contribute proactively to a more peaceful and sustainable world.
You want to start teaching global citizenship. You could take advantage of materials that are already available instead of developing them yourself. That would save you time, and there are plenty of options for a wide variety of ages, levels and subjects. However, you could also decide to develop a lesson plan yourself. This handbook has some suggestions to help […]
UNESCO has been promoting Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) since 1992. Education systems must respond to this pressing need by defining relevant learning objectives and learning contents, introducing pedagogies that empower learners, and urging their institutions to include sustainability principles in their management structures.
There is an enormous variety of people and cultures in the world. Even the tiny country of the Netherlands has a wide diversity. Whether you teach in a village or a city, or in the inner city or the suburbs, your students come into contact with that cultural diversity on a daily basis. You can pay attention to that diversity […]
Actioning a recommendation in the National Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development (2014-2020), in 2018 the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment published a study mapping the eight key competences for sustainable development onto early childhood to post-primary curriculum frameworks in Ireland
The contribution of GCE in the choice of thematic strands to give vertical coherence to the curriculum.
The new GEG introduces methodological approaches to support GE measurement and monitoring. The structure of the document has been designed to reinforce its practical use and enable formal and non-formal educators to tackle different aspects of GE in a training/learning context and its evaluation.
A brief illustration of the steps through which the strategy of Global Citizenship Education (here called GDE – Global Development Education) has become part of the institutional policies in the Czech Republic, one of the most advanced countries in this path.
The opinions, attitudes and experiences of primary and secondary education teachers in relation to global citizenship.