Why should a school be sustainable and global?
Small and big events affecting our societies and personal lives are all linked to a global economy and hi-tech systems which too often, despite being so advanced, cause disruption to the ecosystem, amplify international inequalities and generate despair among populations.
Therefore, thinking about the current and future sustainability of our actions, organisations and impact at local and global level is now imperative.
The School – the learning environment par exellance – is already committed to be attuned with such way of thinking.
But when can you call a school sustainable and global? How can you measure its improvements towards sustainability? How can you embed Global Citizenship Education and Education for Sustainability in all aspects of the school life? How can you make sure values and good practices are shared among schools at European level?
To answer those questions, the Get up and goals! project has developed a GUIDE FOR SUSTAINABLE AND GLOBAL SCHOOLS. The Guide is a self-assessment tool aimed to support headteachers, teachers and parents through a collection of good practices and evidences.
The guide is currently being tested by the partners in the 12 countries involved in the project and it will be soon available here for free download.
Why a toolkit?
- To plan regular integration of Sustainability and Global Citizenship Education in school’s programs
- To highlight the value of teachers’ work
- To measure the progress of the whole school community
- To encourage anyone involved in the school system to adopt sustainable practices
- To appreciate and support diversity and prevent prejudices and exclusion within the school
- To inspire waste reducing and recycling
- To boost the creation of green spaces in schools
- To strengthen networking with CSOs, universities, institutions and any other stakeholder involved in student active learning
What does the Toolkit do?
The Guide assesses and evaluates the school according to six criteria:
- Students’ involvement and activation
How many teachers do adopt global citizenship education approach? How many students promote citizenship actions in/out of the school?
- Teaching and learning
How many subjects taught in your school address topics related to the 2030 Agenda?
- Communication
How many of your school community know/are informed about the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, also through your institutional website?
- Resources, supplies and selection
How much does your school apply environmental and social sustainability standards when buying food, equipment, and any other goods? Has the school adopted a re-using-recycling system?
- Leadership and management
How much are global citizenship education values embedded in your school mission statement and action planning?
- Staff development
Does your school promote Global Citizenship Education trainings for teachers?