GET – It’s Global Education Time. From school curricula to youth actions for sustainable development is a 3.5-year project co-founded by the European Union through the DEAR Programme.
The GET project endeavours to enhance the capacity of the education system in eight European countries through the application of Global Citizenship Education (GCE).
With a primary focus on empowering educators and fostering student engagement while developing a sense of co-responsibility and agency for local and global sustainable development, the initiative aimes at four main global challenges: global inequalities, climate change, gender equality, and migrations.
Building upon the previous Get Up and Goals!, the GET project intends to ensure an improved integration of GCE in school curricula through the design and dissemination of teaching and learning materials, by fostering active engagement of students, and by stimulating dialogue with national educational authorities and the civil society.
All actions are designed to leverage participatory methodologies so to enhance teaching practices, nurture critical thinking skills, and cultivate a culture of lifelong learning.
The strategic relation with educational institutions and civil society organisations intend to enhance the project endeavour to co-create sustainable solutions to pressing educational challenges. Ultimately, the project strives to instil a sense of global citizenship and empathy among learners, paving the way for a more equitable world.
- Lead: CISP (Comitato Internazioale per lo sviluppo dei Popoli)
- Partners: Apa, Arci Bulgaria, Arpok, Associazione Luciano Lama ODV, Coordinadora Andaluza de ONGD, Coopera, Diamorfosis, 4Change, Grupa Zagranica, Municipality of Kastoria, Osvic
- Countries: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain
- Budget: € 4.989.122 (EU funding: 89,5%)
- Duration: 2023-2027