Why is it important to discuss gender inequalities at school? 

According to recent UN and WHO global reports, nearly 1 in 3 women have experienced physical, sexual, or combined forms of violence at least once in their lifetime. As teachers and educators, raising a discussion among young generations is crucial to understanding gender-based violence globally and in our own contexts and starting a cultural change in our societies. Why is it so? We highlight at least six reasons to discuss gender inequalities with your students.

The role of school

If gender is a set of attributes, psycho-attitudinal characteristics and behaviors that are considered adequate for an individual, man or woman or even boy or girl, considered as social beings, the school should play a role in maintaining a conscious look at one’s own visions, expectations and practices of gender, so to favor, in the long term, a culture capable of enhancing differences without them becoming prevarications and inequalities.

Inequalities are not a “natural fact”

Inequalities are the result of the work of human beings. Education can contribute to developing and sharing practices that counteract the internalization of inequality as a “natural fact” by avoiding the formation of discriminatory logics.

Knowledge is not neutral and asexual

Who defines and selects the learning contents? How much are gender differences present in textbooks and school curricula? How can different branches of knowledge be re-read from different angles? Gender roles and relations between women and men change over time and space, and since women constitute half of the world population their history and views should be included in school curricula. This would contribute to the democratic education of a society.

Gender-based violence is a consequence of unequal power relations between genders

Gender violence is spread in all corners of the world and constitutes a violation of human rights. Although both men and women may be victims of gender-based violence, it is widely recognized that most victims are women and girls.

Gender equality promotes wellbeing for all and societal development

Gender equality can reduce poverty, child mortality and promote development. Educating girls has proven to improve survival rates and the health of children and women.

Discrimination is still highly present in our world

Today, more than 150 countries have at least one law that discriminates against women, so it is necessary to promote an education based on citizenship that, in the future, may influence policies responsible for social changes at the legislative level.

Gender inequalities are one of the four global challenges we will address in GET project through new updated didactic materials, such as the Big Ideas (link). Follow us and discover all the resources available on our website



The project is co-funded by DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Programme of the European Commission.
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