GET Project: It’s Global Education Time!

Following the path traced by Get Up and Goals!, the GET project intends to ensure an improved integration of Global Citizenship Education (GCE) in school curricula through the design and dissemination of innovative teaching and learning materials, by fostering students’ active engagement, and by stimulating dialogue with national educational authorities and the civil society. 

Led by CISP (Italy), GET project sees the participation of eight European countries — Bulgaria, Czechia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain – and eleven partners: Arci Bulgaria, Arpok, Diamorfosis, Municipality of Kastoria, Apa, Osvic, Associazione Luciano Lama, 4Change, Coopera, Coordinadora Andaluza NGO, Grupa Zagranica.

GET empowers educators 

The GET project primarily focuses on empowering educators and fostering student engagement. It plays a crucial role in addressing four main global challenges: international inequalities, climate change, gender inequalities, and migration. It aims to develop a sense of co-responsibility for local and global sustainable development by nurturing critical thinking skills and cultivating a culture of lifelong learning through resources and participatory methodologies that enhance teaching practices. Strategic partnerships with educational institutions and civil society organizations will co-create sustainable solutions to pressing educational challenges and instill a sense of global citizenship and empathy among learners, paving the way for a more equitable world.

Project activities

GET project officially started in 2024: during the year, partners already met in Rome and Viana do Castelo (news) and encountered local stakeholders. The first GET events and training sessions for secondary school teachers and educators have already taken place in Portugal and Italy, many other initiatives will come in 2025.

Follow our social channels or sign up for our newsletter to learn about GET’s upcoming activities across the eight countries and discover new resources on GCE.



The project is co-funded by DEAR (Development Education and Awareness Raising) Programme of the European Commission.
This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the project partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.